
● Save on the Interest and charges you pay to the Bank
● Verify all Banking Interest and Charges & Pay only what is due
● Get Competitive rates on Financial charges
● Save the cost of your time and involvement in Banking
● Treasury management to ensure, we use the last penny to reduce cost
● Facilitating and negotiating to get better quotes on all services – like credit rating, insurance, certifications, ROC work, etc.


● Enhance Credit Limits (we ensure that over a period of time)
● Build Relationship for ease in getting Ad-hoc limits
● Get better Credit rating from Rating agencies
● Facilitate in preparing various Information / Documents required by Lenders. Better compliances shall lead to better internal rating
● Proper Management Meeting with Banks & Rating Agencies


● Explain the importance & implications of each clause of the terms of sanction
● Negotiate and bring out the best possible conditions
● Reduce Collaterals /Get better Credit on same collateral
● Provide easy comparison of conditions of different lenders, side by side.
● Act as a bridge between Borrower and Lender and ensure Strong Business Relationships.
● Explain implications of Personal and Corporate guarantees and dilute them, wherever feasible.


● Develop & implement Banking Compliance Calendar (monthly / quarterly / annual) in advance  
● Ensure submission of all documents within deadline 
● Ensure timely compliances on matters relating to Renewal of Limits, CMA, DP Statements, Statutory Submissions, Certifications , ROC compliances, Covenants, OFI, FFR, etc.
● Get extensions, as and when required without any penalties

a. Save on the Interest and charges you pay to the Bank
b. Verify all Banking Interest and Charges & Pay only what is due
c. Get Competitive rates on Financial charges
d. Save the cost of your time and involvement in Banking
e. Treasury management to ensure, we use the last penny to reduce cost Facilitating and negotiating to get better quotes on all services – like credit rating, insurance, certifications, ROC work, etc.
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a. Enhance Credit Limits (we ensure that over a period of time)
b. Build Relationship for ease in getting Ad-hoc limits
c. Get better Credit rating from Rating agencies
d. Facilitate in preparing various Information / Documents required by Lenders. Better compliances shall lead to better internal rating
e. Proper Management Meeting with Banks & Rating Agencies
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a. Explain the importance & implications of each clause of the terms of sanction
b. Negotiate and bring out the best possible conditions c. Reduce Collaterals /Get better Credit on same collateral
d. Provide easy comparison of conditions of different lenders, side by side.
e. Act as a bridge between Borrower and Lender and ensure Strong Business Relationships.
f. Explain implications of Personal and Corporate guarantees and dilute them, wherever feasible.
Know More
a. Develop & implement Banking Compliance Calendar (monthly / quarterly / annual) in advance  
b. Ensure submission of all documents within deadline 
c. Ensure timely compliances on matters relating to Renewal of Limits, CMA, DP Statements, Statutory Submissions, Certifications , ROC compliances, Covenants, OFI, FFR, etc.
d. Get extensions, as and when required without any penalties
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